Pumpkin to Talk About in JK Math Explorations
Pumpkin to Talk About in JK Math Explorations

Pumpkin to Talk About in JK Math Explorations

“I think it will be orange, white, hard and squishy.”

Or, “sticky, gooey, so many seeds.”

Can you guess what Junior Kindergarteners explored in this week’s Spicy Math station? After making predictions based on prior knowledge and observation of the outside, students in small groups opened the top of a large pumpkin to see and/or feel the inside.

“It’s like pasta!” exclaimed one student.

Indeed; slippery, slimy, sticky, gooey, yuck, yum, great smell, amazing, stringy, hard, soft, wet, and more. In addition to practice with predictions, vocabulary, and reflection (“What was surprising?”), students took a challenge to pull out and count/show an adult 10 seeds on their tray. Some students counted, showing one-to-one correspondence and strategies for keeping track as they went, for even more than 10. Others were ready to show five on their tray, and then practice with more numbers that are not yet solidified. Some were interested to take on math challenges, like How many more will you need to make 10? And, How many would you need to put back to show only 10 on your tray?

We talked about shapes for carving, ideas for the seeds, how the big knife works, how to be safe while an adult carves, and made lots of home connections. In addition to visiting this week’s Spicy Math station in groups of two to four, students also spent time in these small groups finishing a pumpkin project based on a counting poem, created watercolors, drew and wrote in their journals with teacher support, added work to their portfolios, and built towers.

Students are solidifying fundamental math terms and concepts, while also practicing Math Process Skills.

In the context of engaging sensory and material explorations, students are solidifying fundamental math terms and concepts, while also practicing Math Process Skills, like showing how you know, or trying more than one way. The seeds will return next week, after being washed and baked in the oven, for another exploration!

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