The Experience Of Choosing Your School
The Experience Of Choosing Your School

The Experience Of Choosing Your School

Contributed by Nikki Butts, Director Of Admissions

DSC_0835The Hillbrook Admissions office is particularly abuzz with excitement and energy at this time of year. We are preparing to extend offers of admission to families, which is always a joyful and invigorating part of the process for us here at school. It marks the end of one journey – that of a prospective family – and marks the start of entirely new one for those that choose to become a part of our community now, and for years to come.

The transition from prospective to current student, parent, and family is monumental and yet it is not finite. We are thrilled that new families accept places in our community, while our current families renew their membership. 

As independent schools across the country welcome new families into their community and welcome back those who are returning, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the considerations that bring our community together each and every year.

Each school is uniquely ideal for your unique family. At Hillbrook, this means a plethora of different things that reflect our particular place in education, our geography, and our hopes and dreams for our students. Here are some of our favorite uniquenesses:

  • We believe in promoting positive risk-taking. It means that each Monday morning, your child will have the opportunity to stand up in the front of the entire school and tell a joke. This joke is often a very carefully thought-out riddle, knock-knock joke, or pun as different and colorful as the teller and a reflection of who we are as a community. We have courage that comes from within and from our supportive peers. We laugh, and we celebrate together.
  • Technology is anything but robotic. What we mean here is, technology is a living, breathing, and dynamic part of our culture. It means that we dedicate an entire week to coding, placing high-tech learning tools like Spheros robots and Ozobots directly into the hands of our students. When we do this, obstacle courses, art projects, and musical compositions abound. It means that we host a MakerSpace on campus that gracefully interweaves the study of science, the practice of engineering, and the journey of creation into an extraordinary educational experience for each of our curious youngsters.
  • Learning spaces know no bounds. Every day we hear of more and more schools and workplaces that are breaking down walls, banishing restrictive classroom layouts, and inviting outdoor elements indoors – and vice versa. The benefits are astounding. Students are encouraged to be curious as they explore new places that span our 14-acre campus. At any given time, science classes can take place in a lab, in one of our gardens, or alongside our creek. Within classrooms, whiteboard tables that easily flip up to transform the space for discussions and collaborations are sparking conversations and relationships that lead to new discoveries and learning journeys that are full of joy, laughter, and friendship.
  • We support each other in the communal journey of raising our young children. As parents, teachers, and administrators, we are all in this together in what is the most important task of our lives: the intellectual, academic, and personal development of each of our learners. Our teachers know and treasure the unique perspectives and personalities of each of our students and we see our children flourish, thrive, and grow in confidence and self-assurance. They are attuned to who they are because they are known and valued for everything that they are.

    As a school, we believe in the education of each member of our community – adults included. We craft a number of talks, coffees, and touch points for parents throughout the school year that bring together parents, school leadership, and powerful resources that dive into a variety of important issues. From the transition to a new school, parenting at different age levels, to the intricacies of digital citizenship, we dive into it all with open minds. We believe in educating and partnering with our parents to create an amazing growing-up experience for each of our families.

As we look upon this exciting time and welcome our new families that will continue to make Hillbrook a wonderful place to learn, live, and grow, we want to encourage all families to consider the uniquenesses that make their school the ideal place for them.

We invite you to share what makes your school unique in the comments below.

For our new, returning, and alumni families, what makes Hillbrook such a special place?

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