Hillbrook Award Winner Olivia French, Class of 2016, Addresses the Hillbrook Class of 2020
Hillbrook Award Winner Olivia French, Class of 2016, Addresses the Hillbrook Class of 2020

Hillbrook Award Winner Olivia French, Class of 2016, Addresses the Hillbrook Class of 2020

Good morning faculty, staff, parents, families, and the graduating class of 2020! Congratulations to all of you! This is an exciting day and a celebratory moment in your lives. I sincerely wish I could be there with you all on campus, but, as you’ve noticed, there’s been a slight change of plans. It isn’t the graduation you or I was expecting to have today, but I am excited and honored to be addressing you nonetheless.

I first wanted to acknowledge the elephant in the room. This is a difficult time. On a global scale, the world has been hit hard with the coronavirus pandemic, and I know we are all feeling the effects of it. On a personal scale, you’re experiencing quite a few losses yourselves, one of which is the in-person graduation you all hoped for. And, on top of that, you are in the midst of a transitionary moment where you will be leaving Hillbrook behind for a larger community. And though this moment is filled with uncertainty and confusion, it is also extremely exciting.

Four years ago, I was right where you guys are now, on the brink of starting high school. And, I won’t lie to you, I was nervous. It was the first time since second grade I had entered a new community, my twin brother was going to a different school than me for the first time, and the majority of the people in my new class had already known each other since sixth grade. I was so nervous, in fact, that I spilt a plate of Swedish meatballs down one of my new classmate’s back on the first day. But, as with everything, my nervousness soon passed, and I was forgiven for my clumsy hands. I found amazing friends and a wonderful community, and guess what? You will too.

You are so much more prepared than you realize, and you will be able to tackle whatever comes your way. I have put together a short list of what I think would have helped me along as I left Hillbrook all those years ago.

1. Academically, you are ready. I didn’t fully understand how unbelievably excellent Hillbrook’s education was until I entered my first year at Castilleja. I was already equipped with so many skills that really helped to make my transition easier. Will there be challenges? Absolutely. But are you prepared? I have no doubt about it.

2. You will find your people: a community of friends and mentors who understand you, care about you, and support you no matter what. However, as you enter these new places this fall, I encourage all of you to hold onto your Hillbrook community as well. Keep in contact with your close Hillbrook buddies even as you meet new ones, because the foundation you have built here will make your whole transition more stable.

3. Never put yourself in a box. You don’t need to have a favorite subject or sport, you don’t need to be the best artist or actor or basketball player. You have your whole life to explore who you are, and high school is a crucial time for that exploration. For me, the core of who I am has not changed significantly over the last four years, but I have grown and my interests have shifted. Keep yourself open and be willing to dive into different disciplines and activities. Have fun with it!

4. Relax this summer! You deserve it. Take a break to breathe and reflect on yourself before the crazy comes back again this fall. Chill with your family, read a good book, learn to paint or play an instrument, go outside— do wherever you want. This is the summer for you.

I want to congratulate you once again, so, families of the Hillbrook class of 2020, make sure to give a huge round of applause for them. Here’s to you guys!

I want to end by remembering the famous Hillbrook motto. As much as I rolled my eyes at it as a student there, I now understand just how much of life it captures in those four short lines and just how important it is to adhere to them.

Be kind. Give kindness to your fellow man, and the world will give kindness back to you. 

Be curious. Explore and learn as much about this beautiful world as you can.

Take risks. Nothing important is ever easy, so push yourself and others to continually grow by reaching out of your comfort zones.

And, finally, be your best. It’s all you can do, and it’s enough.

Thank you all, and congrats to the class of 2020!

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