The Cortex Vortex: Brain Biology in 5th Grade Science
The Cortex Vortex: Brain Biology in 5th Grade Science

The Cortex Vortex: Brain Biology in 5th Grade Science

5th Grade Scientists spent this week learning all about the human brain! Using videos, short readings, discussion, and diagrams, students learned about the location and primary functions of the frontal cortex, the cerebellum, and the amygdala. They made diagrams to show their learning in the form of “brain hats” they could wear, and learned about how these important parts of our body interact to help us make decisions and perform behaviors. They discussed how the frontal cortex, which guides decision-making, is affected when the amygdala is activated with an emotional response. They practiced applying new scientific understanding and terminology to situations they have experienced when anger, sadness, fear or excitement, for example, influenced or cut-short decision-making, leading to unwanted or unexpected outcomes. This connection between our amygdala and prefrontal cortex will continue to be explored in Advisory in the coming weeks, using our MindUp curriculum, to see what strategies we can use to calm our amygdala in order to feel more calm or in control.

This dive into human anatomy and physiology is also preparing us to revisit students’ prior knowledge about growth mindset, and to extend that understanding as they view neurons, brain imagery, and research findings that show how using parts of our brain expands its pathways and strengthens them. Neuroscientists—and now our 5th graders—know that our brains can literally grow and change with effort, mistakes, and practice! This science lens on being our best and taking risks leverages 5th graders’ natural interest in understanding how the body works, and prepares them for lifelong mindful reflection, stress management, empathy and wise decision making. 

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