Teacher Tuesday: Hear from Adrianna Aguirre, 2nd Grade Resident Teacher
Teacher Tuesday: Hear from Adrianna Aguirre, 2nd Grade Resident Teacher

Teacher Tuesday: Hear from Adrianna Aguirre, 2nd Grade Resident Teacher

What strikes you most about the students at Hillbrook?
The students at Hillbrook are different because across all grade levels you see that they have this willingness to take a risk and are always looking for ways to challenge themselves.

When you think about the students at Hillbrook, what’s the one thing that stands out to you?
Their energy is different when it comes to students at Hillbrook. They have so many different personalities but all of the students have one thing in common: they all have this unique and creative way of thinking outside of the box, exploring, and researching ideas.

What is your favorite unit or project and why?
My favorite project at Hillbrook would have to be the 8th grade musical. Every year I am completely blown away by what the students produce. From the acting, to the singing, to the props that are made, to the lighting. It is clear that so much effort and hard work goes into such a beautiful show.

What made you choose to teach at Hillbrook?
The community. I work with some of the best mentor teachers who truly love teaching, how can you not want to work in a place where you are always motivated by co-workers and colleagues? When you wake up happy and excited to show up to work. You just know.

What are you most looking forward to at Hillbrook in the next few months?
As the 2019-2020 Hillbrook School year ends and as we approach our annual end of the year traditions and festivities, I look forward to watching the 8th graders graduate. These last few months are all about them and celebrating their accomplishments and the next chapter in life.

What is the last place you visited?
The last place that I traveled to was Seattle with other faculty members at Hillbrook where we attended the annual People of Color Conference. My last vacation destination was to Aruba with my dear friends and colleagues Ms. Cov Cov and Mrs. Lee. We hope you enjoyed getting to know Ms. Aguirre!

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